4 Stages of HR Project Management for Project Success

By Admin Tomps | Published On: 24 January 2024
4 Stages of HR Project Management for Project Success

A project manager will experience difficulties if key team members suddenly decide not to join the team anymore or if they recruit inappropriate resources for their team. That is the reason why the stages of the HR project management process are very important. Before understanding the proper stages, we will discuss what HR project management is and why it is important. asian-business-team-discussing-project.jpg

What is the HR project management process?

The HR project management process involves managing every human resource or stakeholder related to an ongoing project and ensuring that they work efficiently from the start to the end of the project. The main goal of HR project management is to manage the human resources involved in the project so that the work runs according to the initial plan, schedule, and budget, and, of course, so that the quality of the project meets expectations. In other words, HR project management includes organising, recruiting, motivating, and managing the human resources involved in a project in an effective way so that they can achieve project goals in accordance with expectations and initial plans. HR project management also includes maximising the productivity of those who work in it.

Why is HR project management important?

Good HR project management is essential to every project for several reasons. Project success depends largely on the project manager's ability to lead and manage his team effectively. If the team is not managed well, the resulting risks include projects experiencing delays, disruptions, and, at worst, failure. Effective HR project management ensures that the right people are assigned to the right positions based on the skills, expertise, and experience they possess and require. This will really help maximise overall team productivity. Apart from that, project HR management will also reduce the risk of conflicts and misunderstandings. A good and healthy work environment will be easier to create, so teamwork will be even better. Furthermore, HR management in a project will be very helpful in identifying the risk of problems occurring. The types of projects are different, and the problems they face are also different. If HR management runs smoothly, the risk of problems will quickly be identified and solutions found. In the future, the project will run better and have an impact on project success.

Stages of the HR Project Management Process

The following are important stages in the project HR management process so that it can run successfully: terms in the project

  1. Develop an HR plan. The HR plan begins in the early stages of the project. This process involves identifying and documenting roles, responsibilities, required skills, and reporting processes. Creating an HR management plan and assigning roles to multiple people or groups is also part of this important process. The result of this first stage is a comprehensive HR management plan, including:
  • Identify training needs.
  • Design a team-building strategy.
  • Establish an awards and achievement recognition programme.
  • Decide on actions to ensure work safety and compliance.

In essence, an HR management plan offers guidance regarding staffing, management, team formation, controlling all stages of development, and finally starting to run the project. A good HR management plan includes:

  • Project roles and responsibilities
  • Monitor the various tasks of the team or each staff member.
  • Competency details, such as the skills or abilities required to complete the project
  • Clarity of each staff member's role and tracking methods

One of the key components of an HR plan is a personnel management plan, which describes how and when projects are executed. It can be formal, informal, or very detailed, depending on the needs of the project. This stage also includes considering training needs so that all staff understand the terms of the project. 2. Recruit the Right Project Team In this process, the manager ensures the availability of human resources and collects all the human resources needed for project development. Project managers must consider several factors when acquiring a project team. The project manager must do the following things:

  • Communicate effectively and negotiate with HR, especially if the recruitment uses interns or outsourcing.
  • Create a plan B in case any HR that has been recruited fails to join the team for one reason or another.
  • Always provide alternative HR to replace HR who leave or leave for a period of time.

To successfully acquire the right project team, project managers use several techniques, such as virtual teams, acquisition, negotiation, and pre-assignment. These techniques ensure that the project team assembles efficiently and effectively to meet the project's needs. After the recruitment process is complete, the manager will receive output in the form of:

  • Project team assignments
  • HR Calendar
  • Project management plan updates.

The output above is very important in managing the project team and ensuring the project is implemented according to the initial plan. architects-face-mask-planning-construction-new-normal.jpg 3. Develop a project team. During this third stage, competition and interaction between team members are established and enhanced to improve project performance. The process is easier because it has passed the second stage. The goals of developing a project team are:

  • Increase visible HR knowledge and skills in a project.
  • Build trust and mutual agreement between teammates.
  • Improve teammate bonds so that individual and team productivity increases.

4.Manage the project team. The process in this fourth stage covers the core management aspects of project HR management. So this includes providing feedback, tracking team and individual performance, managing change, and optimising project performance. During this stage, managers must manage visible and hidden conflicts, resolve problems, and observe team behaviour. The objectives of this stage are:

  • Update the HR plan to reflect any changes in the composition or requirements of the project team.
  • Submit change requests to change any aspect of the project plan that impacts the team.
  • Conduct performance assessments to evaluate individual and team performance against project goals and objectives.
  • Added “lessons learned from the project” documents to the company database to improve future project management processes and practices.
  • Resolve issues that may arise during the project execution phase, such as conflicts among team members, technical challenges, and more.

Human resource management in a project is very essential and can have an impact on the success of the project. Make sure management remains clear and transparent; that's why Tomps by Telkom Indonesia is here to be able to supervise projects online. Various aspects of the project become clearer with smart features from Tomps. Come on, visit the Tomps website now to find out all the features!

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