The Importance of Building Management Organizational Structure

By Yuni Ayuningsih | Published On: 19 January 2023
The Importance of Building Management Organizational Structure

In achieving the goals of a company, of course, a good organizational structure needs to be considered again. The team formed in an organizational structure is a tool to achieve a company goal. As in a Project Management Organizational Structure, the structure in Building Management also has several divisions and teams that have their own roles and functions. Does an organizational structure in Building Management have a big influence on a building? This will be answered in this article. Below is the explanation.

What is Building Management Organizational Structure?

Every company certainly has an organizational structure. Organizational structure is not a goal, but a means to an end. Every organization tries to achieve its target and its structure only facilitates it.

Reporting from toppr, organizational structure is just a pattern or network of divided roles and responsibilities. So, the organizational structure explains who is responsible for the divided tasks. This kind of structure also describes the hierarchy of organizational members.

The organizational structure of building management is the arrangement of roles or positions in an organization that has the task of carrying out the maintenance and operation of a building.

The organization of building maintenance and Care depends on how complicated and sophisticated a building is, which includes building area, building dimensions, building systems used, technology applied, as well as other technical and non-technical aspects such as :

  1. The physical size of buildings.
  2. The number of buildings.
  3. Distance between buildings.
  4. Mode of transportation used by workers and supervisors.
  5. Production or operational performance of each location.
  6. Types of equipment and supplies.
  7. Types and functions of buildings.

Purpose of Building Management Organizational Structure

In general, every company has the same goals in each company’s organizational structure. The structure is to help the organization work towards its goals. In Building Management, this structure has been regulated in PU Regulation No 24/PRT/M/2008, 2008. These include Building Manager, Chief Engineering, Chief House Keeping, Chief Customer Care, Chief Finance & Administration, Engineering Supervisor, House Keeping Supervisor and Fitter.

The purpose referred to in the organizational structure of building management is to serve as a guide and guide for each individual to be more responsible for the position held by him. And will also help the company make a clear flow and coordination.

So that the maintenance and operation of activities in the building will be more organized with this structure. An example is when there are customer complaints or users of building units. It will be easier for us to deal with these complaints if we have a related division, namely Customer Care.

Position and Responsibilities of Building Management Organizational Structure

The organization formed is responsible for the smooth use of the building, implementation of operations, and maintenance according to procedures that have been determined efficiently and effectively by the agency.

Following are the duties and responsibilities of each section in the building maintenance and maintenance organizational structure:

Building Manager

Building Manager is the highest position in this division. Like a manager in general, his job is to coordinate the work of all heads of departments under him.

The duties and responsibilities of a Building Manager are:

  • Coordinating and overseeing the implementation of maintenance and maintenance of building equipment and equipment, building installations and utilities,
  • Doing proper archiving of documents with a good system,
  • Making internal and external work relationships healthier and more harmonious.

Chief Engineering

Has responsibility in coordinating, directing, and overseeing the activities of supervisors and executors under their authority. In addition, the Chief Engineer has the task of evaluating work and providing input regarding the use of materials as well as energy and operational costs, as well as compiling and presenting operational reports in accordance with standard operations or SOP (Standard Operation Procedure).

Chief Housekeeping

Chief House Keeping has the task of coordinating and providing direction to superiors. And also responsible for running and controlling all operations in the housekeeping department in accordance with applicable regulations. The duties are as follows:

  • Coordinate and provide direction to the supervisor (Supervisor),
  • Arrange Cleanliness RAB,
  • Intense/routine hygiene checks,
  • Controlling the use of cleaning materials and equipment.

Chief Customer Care

Chief Customer Care is the executive responsible for the company’s customer service division for better relationships and as a support for the company. And also coordinate, direct and supervise the work activities under his coordination. The duties are as follows:

  • Examining and considering reports and suggestions submitted by customers and/or management.
  • Discuss internal and external issues with the Building Manager to address customer complaints and suggestions.
  • Formulate, evaluate and provide recommendations as well as supervise the process of procurement of goods and services related to building administration.

Chief Finance & Administration

Chief Finance & Administration is an officer of a company who has primary responsibility for managing company or agency finances, including financial planning, financial risk management, record keeping, and financial reporting. In some sectors, the CFO is also responsible for data analysis. The duties are as follows:

  • Develop management work plans and operational budgets for a certain period.
  • Examining reports and proposals for requests for allocation of funds.
  • Discuss with the Building Manager the use of operational tactical funds.
  • Compile and report the use of operational funds.
  • Formulating, evaluating and providing recommendations as well as overseeing the process of procuring goods and services related to budget realization.
  • Checking purchases, procurement of goods/services and spending money according to the authority set.

Engineering Supervisor

Engineering Supervisor is a structural position in a company that has the power or authority to issue orders to his subordinates under the direction of his superior position. In addition, the Engineering Supervisor also inspects all parts of the building to see the condition of building equipment/equipment, installation, and building utilities. The duties are as follows:

  • Conducting intense inspection of all parts of the building to see the condition of building equipment/equipment, installation and building utilities.
  • Check and monitor the operation of mechanical and electrical equipment on a regular basis.
  • Monitoring the results of the work of mechanical and electrical service providers (contractors) on a regular basis.
  • Carry out certain special activities, such as electrical systems, fire protection, etc.
  • Compile and submit reports according to the field.

House Keeping Supervisor

The House Keeping Supervisor is the coordinator and supervisor and checks the work results of Room Boy and other parts of housekeeping. As well as organize and supervise the implementation of cleaning. Here are the tasks:

  • Organize and supervise the implementation of cleanliness.
  • Organize and provide direction to work group leaders.
  • Manage daily, weekly and monthly work schedules.
  • Compile and submit reports according to the field.


The Important of Building Management Organizational Structure

Facilitates Efficient Management

A good organization avoids confusion, delays, and work duplication. It improves promptness and efficiency while also motivating employees to do their best. All of this leads to effective management. Thus, good organization facilitates efficient management.

Optimum Utilisation of Human Resources

A good organization allows for the division of labor and specialization. It aids in the selection of the “Right Person for the Job.” It clearly defines each employee’s authority and responsibility. It also encourages them to give their all. All of this leads to the most efficient use of human resources.

Helps in Growth of Enterprise

Good organization helps the growth, diversification and expansion of the company. Today’s large and gigantic companies are the result of their best organizations.

Utilises Science and Technology

Utilizing science and technology is one of the important things in a good organizational goal. In studying science, of course, the availability of industry with the latest machines. So the result obtained is to provide consumers with the latest products. The benefits obtained for an organization are also in the reduction of costs and maximum satisfaction.

Facilitates Co-ordination

A good organization coordinates the activities of different individuals, groups and departments to achieve business goals.

Encourages Creativity, Initiative and Innovation

The creation of a good and healthy organizational culture is to encourage creativity within the company. So as to generate new ideas, imagination, vision, methods, etc.

Motivates the Employees

A good organization provides employees with a better working environment, good remuneration, reasonable freedom etc. All this results in job satisfaction for employees.

Facilitates Delegation of Authority

A good organization makes delegation of authority easier. That is, top executives can keep the important work for themselves while delegating (giving or surrendering) the less important work to their subordinates. This encourages subordinates to develop leadership skills and achieve the company’s goals.

Building Operation

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