What is Asset Tracking and the Benefits it Provides

As a company owner or employee, you're definitely not alien to the term asset tracking. However, have you ever tried to understand more deeply about this term? If you haven't, then you're in the right article. Let's discuss in detail how asset tracking works and the benefits it gives.

Before we get into the discussion about asset tracking, it would be better if we first understood what an asset is. In a company, there must be economic resources that are owned or managed to obtain short-term or long-term benefits in the future. This is what is called an asset. For that, it's important for a company to monitor assets optimally.

Asset monitoring is what we might call asset tracking. To put it simply, asset tracking is the process of tracking the equipment and equipment of a company to smooth the course of a business. Asset tracking is important to do so that the entire company data can be properly stored. Through asset tracing, data that may be lost can be recovered or revised by the company. Asset tracking can also protect company data from leaks.

The implementation of asset tracking provides a number of benefits to the company. In addition to the above, asset tracking can also prevent the occurrence of impaired company activities. Fixed assets include equipment that supports the company's activities. If the management is not checked regularly, then the probability of this obstacle will be greater. Asset tracking also helps to record fixed assets used. No clear record or documentation related to these fixed assets could cause problems with the financial statements.

Another important function of asset tracking is to gain asset visibility. The company must have a lot of assets to buy, treat, or borrow. If not tracked properly, information about the asset's journey will be difficult to track. It could cause trouble ahead of him. Such as loss of assets, difficulty monitoring asset value, to impact on budget planning problems. So, it's important for a company to record the outflow of an asset that's been used well.

Application of Technology to Facilitate Asset Tracking

Nowadays, technological advances are steadily moving rapidly, and this has forced many industry actors and efforts to adapt to this situation. The ability of technology to facilitate the activities of the company is no longer questionable, one of which is its use in facilitating asset tracking. Using technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) can be a solution so that assets tracking does not need to be done manually so that it is easier and minimizes risk.

Manual asset monitoring such as using Excel can cause some problems and constraints, such as obstruction of detailed asset recording, difficulty performing complex calculations, inefficiency in time and effort, and difficulty accessing information from other units in need.

Many companies are aware that asset tracking manually is assessed as inefficient in terms of energy and time. It can also pose problems when management wants to know the amount of assets by category, origin of funding, purchase price, date of purchase, location, condition, movement, and addition of goods, as well as information about changes in goods as a result of repair or replacement of spare parts. The party requiring this information must go to the facility and infrastructure unit that is the sole owner of the asset document. Asset tracking manually also causes information related to the asset used to become unreal-time and accurate.

Research related to the development of information systems on asset tracking or asset management has been carried out by several researchers. Among the companies that have been the subject of this related research are the Technical Store of NIC-DIT researched by Goyal (2007), Haadthip Public Company Limited (HTPCL) studied by Rittammanart (2008), and the Research Center of Informatics LIPI study by Ekasari Nugraheni. (2007). The three companies have designed systems for asset management development.

Implementing a computerized system to manage assets (or inventories) can make asset tracking more structured and targeted. Moreover, using an information system to track assets can also make the information that we want to know about it easily visible and data secure.

The implementation of IoT asset tracking can also be a solution to simplify asset management processes to be more effective. Asset tracking using IoT is typically used to monitor inventory of warehouses or supply of goods, as well as monitor equipment and other fixed assets. IoT can provide you with information about usage, downtime, maintenance, etc. through analytical platforms.

Tomps: Digital Asset Tracking Solution for Your Business!

If you feel that your business needs to implement asset tracking digitally to be more effective, you don’t have to look anywhere else. Telkom Indonesia provides a digital service to facilitate the management of your business through Tomps. In its implementation, Tomps provides a product called Tomps Asset that is specially designed to help monitor physical assets as well as inventory that your business has.

With Tomps Asset, asset tracking becomes easier, map-related information for tracking the movement of goods is also fully visualized, the asset management and master data is more efficient and efficient, and the details related to asset and inventory information are more accurate.

If you're still hesitant to use Tomps Asset, don't worry! Tomps Asset Management has now been trusted by eight major clients in Indonesia. Including bonafid companies such as Kemenko Marves Republic of Indonesia, Kominfo Republic of Indonesian, Ministry of Parekraf, and others. Then that, yuk use Tomps Asset for more effective business asset management!


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Shell. (2018). Memahami Asset Tracking dan Manfaat Penerapannya. Shell.co.id; Shell. https://www.shell.co.id/in_id/konsumen-bisnis/shell-fleet-card/asset-tracking.html

Synapsis ID. (2022, October 24). IoT Asset Tracking: Solusi melacak barang dengan mudah - synapsis.id. Synapsis.id - Connect Everything. https://synapsis.id/iot-asset-tracking-solusi-melacak-barang-dengan-mudah.html