The Right Way to Improve Your Warehouse Management System

By Yuni Ayuningsih | Published On: 23 May 2023
The Right Way to Improve Your Warehouse Management System

Warehouse management is becoming increasingly crucial in today's changing global business environment to ensure a smooth flow of goods, efficient inventory management, and prompt customer satisfaction. Technologies such as automated systems and data analysis are transforming the way businesses manage warehouses in the digital age. Implementing excellent warehouse management will boost efficiency, productivity, reduce costs, and customer happiness. Understanding the most recent principles and techniques in warehouse management is critical for businesses to preserve their competitive advantage.


What is Warehouse Management?

According to netsuite , warehouse management is the principles and processes involved in running the daily operations in a warehouse. It includes tasks such as receiving and managing warehouse space, scheduling labor, managing inventory, and fulfilling orders.

Meanwhile, based on creativity , warehousing management is a method or scientific discipline used to organize the process of storing and dispensing goods in a warehouse. In other words, warehouse management involves a series of efforts in organizing, establishing standard operating procedures (SOP), and supervising goods management activities in the warehouse.

We can conclude that, warehouse management is the principles, processes, methods, and disciplines in carrying out daily operations in the warehouse. This involves efforts to regulate, establish standard operating procedures (SOP), and supervise the management of goods in the warehouse, with the aim of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse operations as a whole.


Warehouse Management Objectives

Warehousing management is carried out with the aim of achieving effective warehouse management, it is necessary to optimize and integrate each of these processes so that all aspects of warehouse operations can work in harmony, so as to increase productivity and keep costs low.

The main purpose of warehouse management is to organize and control the process of entering and leaving goods in the warehouse. Warehouse management has an important role in facilitating the movement of goods from one location to another.

In addition, warehousing management also has the following objectives:

  1. Warehouse management has a goal to maintain the quantity and quality of goods stored in the warehouse as stock inventory.
  2. Update goods information regularly, so that entrepreneurs can monitor warehouse conditions with the latest and most up-to-date information.
  3. Prevent errors in distribution, because the goods have been managed properly and precisely.
  4. The purpose of warehouse management is to organize administrative data neatly, so that stock monitoring can be done easily.


Warehouse Management Function

1.      Storage

The use of warehouses is used to provide space for storing goods, including inventory, equipment, and other items. By having enough space to store lots of items, waste can be reduced because items can be stored safely.


2.      Movement of Goods

Warehouse management has a role in coordinating the movement of goods in various directions, such as receipt, delivery and transfer. In effective warehouse management, it is ensured that the movement of goods throughout the warehouse runs smoothly, with the aim of increasing operational efficiency and providing added value to customers.


3.      Goods Security

Warehousing management is used to secure goods and protect them from theft, damage and loss. The logistics manager is responsible for ensuring the warehouse operates at optimal temperatures and conditions to maintain the quality of the goods stored in it.


4.      Record Inventory

Warehousing management involves an inventory management process that requires accurate records. It is important to always record the number of stock items in the warehouse in order to avoid excess or shortage of goods. In addition, with inventory data that is always updated, the goods distribution process can also be easier.


5.      Reducing Transportation Costs

Strategic warehouse location arrangements have an important role in reducing the cost of moving goods. The storage warehouse serves as a central point for the entry and exit of goods from inventory. Therefore, if the location of the warehouse is strategically arranged, the process of moving goods from one warehouse to another or to the consumer's address will require lower costs.


Example of Good Warehousing Management Implementation

A good warehouse management system is needed to create an orderly and tidy supply chain, so you can check regularly. Below are 6 tips to improve your warehouse management system:

1.     Accurate Data

Accurate data is needed to formulate future sales forecasts and to develop optimal marketing strategies. Company data includes purchase information, inventory, and sales.


2.     Stock Forecasting

Making stock estimates needs to consider supply chain flows. When a company has thousands of items, managing stock effectively becomes a significant challenge. However, without a good warehouse management system, the risk of losing goods in small or large quantities will be even higher.


3.     Double Check

Doing a double check on the supply chain flow of stock before providing an identification code for each item, so that the company can ensure the availability of these items. It is important to do this double check so that the company can detect goods that are damaged, broken, or have other errors before moving them into the warehouse.


4.     Separating the Old and New Stocks

When old and new stock are mixed in one place, whether it is intentional or not, it can cause confusion in managing company data and stock. By segregating stock, the process of calculating stock becomes easier, and it is also possible to distinguish between stock that has been sold and those that have not.


5.     Stock Schedule

To improve your warehouse management system, it is recommended to create a structured stock schedule. By making a purchase schedule, companies can more easily carry out forecast planning . In addition, scheduling the receipt and delivery of goods is also very important in effective warehouse management.


6.     Layout Settings

Making optimal layout settings will help your company improve its warehouse management system. The first step that needs to be done is to understand the characteristics of the stock you have, and then design a suitable warehouse layout, whether it's a company-owned warehouse or a leased warehouse. By having an efficient layout, you can increase the effectiveness of warehouse management and maximize the use of available space.

Warehousing Management Application in Indonesia

1.      Tomps Building

Tomps Building is an application service from Tomps that makes it easy for you to plan , control and monitor in real-time with a web and mobile based management system .

Tomps Building is here as a solution in providing your warehouse management services such as apartments, housing, offices, commercial areas, industrial areas, and warehouses. With Tomps Building, warehouse managers can save costs and speed up operational processes through automation and integration.


Some of Tom PS Building's excellent features that can help you manage your warehouse include:

·      Monitoring in one Dashboard

·      Pay Bills Automatically

·      Building Data Management

·      Complaint Handling and Maintenance

·      Emergency Call Information

·      Access the Latest Information


Tomps Building also offers product demos for those of you who are interested in using your warehouse management application. With it, you can experience the features you want before deciding to buy.


2.     HashMicro

HashMicro provides ERP software services for various types of businesses from various industries. Inventory Management System from HashMicro is a warehouse management application to optimize inventory levels, monitor stock transfer processes , estimate inventory needs, to effectively manage stock at each location.

The superior features offered are Barcode Management , Lot and Serial Number Tracking , Stock Request Management , Inventory Forecasting , Inventory Valuation , and Stock Aging Analysis .


3.     Storaza

Storaza provides a Warehouse Management System (Inventory Management) to store and manage goods handled by skilled professionals. Storaza offers warehouse management to help manufacturers, importers, exporters, custom, entrepreneurs, and wholesalers to keep goods under strict control at affordable prices.

HashMicro offers storage features in Indonesia with a logistics warehousing system that includes storage of goods including packaging materials, raw materials, electronic components, spare parts, and many more.


4.     Netsuite WMS

The NetSuite WMS application can simplify the process of receiving, storing, and calculating barcode-based goods. You can use your smartphone to scan barcodes, and the advantage of this application is its ability to read payment cards.


In addition, NetSuite also offers services with various features such as utilizing real time data features , billing, inventory management, ordering and shipping.


5.     Software WMS Jubelio

Jubelio offers the Warehouse Management System application as a service solution to fully control your warehouse to minimize errors in inputting goods. This feature has advantages in terms of the ability to track stock of goods to the shelf level and view the status of the process of placing, picking and packing goods.

In addition, WMS Jubelio has a feature that allows you to create virtual or physical warehouse locations without quantity limitations and with ease of receiving goods. WMS can also prevent errors in inputting goods by assigning serial numbers to each mutation of goods.

Another advantage is the ability to plan stock replenishment and manage stock reserves, as well as track goods in and out, so you can avoid mistakes in picking up goods by using barcode scanning (2D or QR) through your gadget.

In an increasingly complex and rapidly changing business era, warehouse management plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and sustainability of the company. By applying the principles and best practices in warehouse management, companies can optimize stock management, manage the flow of goods efficiently, and improve customer satisfaction. In facing increasingly fierce competition, effective warehouse management is a key factor to achieve competitive advantage.

Tomps continues to provide support to improve the convenience of your company's warehouse management system in an effective and efficient, automated and integrated manner. Check out our other articles to learn more about our products.

Building Operation

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