Tomps to Represent Leap Telkom Digital at Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo 2023

by Shalimar Mediana | Published On: 31 August 2023
Tomps to Represent Leap Telkom Digital  at Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo 2023

Jakarta, August 23-24, 2023 - Tomps by Telkom Indonesia became a participant in the Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo 2023. The event was held at the Grand Ballroom, Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO) Kemayoran and organized by Naganaya Indonesia with the support of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of the event was to provide a platform for business players in the industry 4.0 ecosystem to collaborate and build synergies in accelerating the process of industrial transformation 4.0 in Indonesia.

The event consisted of two parts, namely a conference and a technology exhibition. The conference featured the latest topics on digital technology trends and industry 4.0, including discussions on the national roadmap for digital transformation, economic sustainability through digital transformation, and how artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting our world today. Meanwhile, the technology exhibition featured more than 150 of the latest technology products and solutions as well as information related to industry 4.0. Visitors can access the latest information on technology, software solutions, and other digital products. The exhibition also provided programs such as Silent Conference with 60 speakers, Warehouse of Idea with 20 speakers, Coaching Clinic, and the opportunity to try Virtual Reality (VR) experience for free.

As one of the participants of Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo 2023, Tomps by Telkom Indonesia is here to introduce our digital products namely Tomps Project, Tomps Building, and Tomps Asset. Our products focus on providing digital solutions in project management, building operational management, and asset management. 

In the context of Indonesia's development that is increasingly leading to the Industry 4.0 era, digital transformation is the main key to facing the challenges and opportunities that arise. Tomps by Telkom Indonesia understands the importance of this transformation and is committed to providing solutions that accelerate positive change in various sectors. With Tomps' presence at the Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo 2023, we hope to share insights and understanding on how digital technology can drive sustainable growth.

One of the important aspects of digital transformation is understanding how technology can optimize business processes. Tomps Project, for example, is designed to help companies manage projects more efficiently and effectively. With advanced features such as project dashboard, S Curve, Deliverables, and real-time data analysis, Tomps Project provides better visibility and better control in every stage of the project.

Meanwhile, Tomps Building addresses the need to efficiently manage building operations. In an ever-changing world, sustainability and efficiency in the use of resources are essential. Through comprehensive operational management solutions, Tomps Building helps optimize energy use, reduce environmental impact, and improve comfort for building occupants.

No less important, Tomps Asset is here to ensure efficient and organized asset management. With a variety of assets to manage within an enterprise, having a platform that can track, manage, and maintain assets is critical. Tomps Asset helps companies to optimize the value of their assets through accurate monitoring, effective maintenance planning, and in-depth analysis.

Tomps by Telkom Indonesia through its three products has been trusted by more than 100 companies throughout Indonesia. To get to know more about the use of Tomps by Telkom Indonesia products, see the following discussion.

Tomps Project 

Telkom Property (Telpro), as one of the leading property companies in Indonesia, has successfully implemented Tomps Project as a solution for their project management. Telpro uses the Tomps Project platform to manage a series of complex and diverse property projects.

Before using Tomps Project, Telpro often experienced challenges in monitoring project progress, coordinating project teams, and identifying potential obstacles. However, after implementing Tomps Project, Telpro managed to better address these issues. They can easily manage all stages of a project, accurately monitor progress, and collaborate efficiently through features such as task management, real-time data analytics, and enhanced team collaboration capabilities.

Tomps Project helps Telpro to keep projects on schedule and on budget, ensure better visibility into risks, and improve team efficiency. With these positive results, Telpro has proven that Tomps Project is an essential solution in driving effectiveness in project management and helping them achieve success in property projects.

Tomps Building

Menara Binakarsa, sebagai kompleks gedung perkantoran bergengsi di pusat Jakarta, telah mengadopsi Tomps Building sebagai solusi untuk manajemen operasional bangunan. Sebagai pemilik gedung, Menara Binakarsa berkomitmen untuk memberikan lingkungan yang nyaman dan efisien bagi penghuni dan penyewa mereka.

Sebelum mengimplementasikan Tomps Building, Menara Binakarsa menghadapi tantangan dalam mengelola berbagai aspek operasional bangunan, termasuk pemeliharaan fasilitas, penggunaan energi, dan kenyamanan lingkungan. Dengan Tomps Building, mereka dapat mengintegrasikan dan mengotomatisasi proses-proses ini dengan lebih baik. Penggunaan data yang akurat dan analisis yang mendalam membantu Menara Binakarsa dalam mengambil keputusan yang lebih bijaksana untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kenyamanan gedung.

Tomps Building memberikan visibilitas yang lebih baik terhadap performa fasilitas, memungkinkan pemantauan energi dan penggunaan sumber daya yang lebih efisien, serta memungkinkan tindakan perawatan yang tepat waktu. Sebagai hasilnya, Menara Binakarsa berhasil menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih baik, memberikan nilai tambah bagi penyewa, dan mendukung upaya keberlanjutan melalui pengurangan dampak lingkungan.

Tomps Asset 

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), as the government entity responsible for the coordination of SOEs in Indonesia, has selected Tomps Asset as its solution for asset management. In a context that involves various types of assets such as property, equipment, and infrastructure, the Ministry of SOEs is committed to optimizing asset management to achieve greater efficiency and transparency.

Before using Tomps Asset, the Ministry of SOEs faced challenges in tracking widely dispersed assets and the complexity of their management and maintenance. By implementing Tomps Asset, they were able to manage these assets in a more structured and efficient manner. Tomps Asset provides the ability to accurately track the location, status and history of assets.

As a result, the Ministry of SOEs can perform better maintenance planning, optimize the value of the assets, and ensure that the assets support the continuity of operations optimally. With Tomps Asset, the Ministry of SOEs can have a positive impact on budget efficiency and operational sustainability, as they strive to better manage government assets.


Through the Indonesia 4.0 Conference & Expo 2023 event, Tomps by Telkom Indonesia successfully demonstrated our commitment in advancing the industrial world in the digital era. We are very proud to be part of this important event that connects business people in the industry 4.0 ecosystem. Our participation in this event is clear evidence that we are not only keeping up with technological developments, but also actively playing a role in directing the direction of digital transformation in Indonesia. We believe that by continuing to innovate and collaborate, we can bring a positive transformation for Indonesia towards a sustainable and highly competitive Industry 4.0 era.


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